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Welcome to a new way of dating! Fancy some insight into how men perceive you? Well before you delve into the nitty-gritty of your own personality below, click on the next button and discover 'What your last date thought of you'. We'll also recommend to you your 3 most compatible types of men, and your 3 most incompatible. Intrigued? Well go on and click through! We'll bring you back to this page afterwards.

Each of our 8 colour personas has unique buying preferences. Give each persona what they need and your sale will be far more straightforward. Overlook what they want and they may shipwreck your chances. Your first questionnaire tells you about your own habits. Subsequent questionnaires will reveal your client's buying preferences. This enables you to change your style depending on who you are dealing with and to keep the whole buying team on your side.

A quick glance at a Blue persona

Blue personas are loving, caring and encouraging at their core. Their intent is delivering loyal service in any context. They are conscientious, to the point of being perfectionists.

Blues are sensitive communicators who value maintaining harmony and peace amongst others above their own priorities. They are encouraging and have a genuine desire to see others become successful.

With a creative edge to their personality comes a certain level of impulsivity, but Blues can be hesitant to act on their own impulses.

It is easy to mistake someone who can be so outgoing for an extrovert but paradoxically, Blues are rather shy and private people. They never seek out the limelight on purpose, they rarely push to promote their own achievements, and although they are great communicators, they also easily become exhausted by engaging others. This can be a source of confusion for people who don’t understand that Blues need downtime away from people, or at least limited to being with only their closest loved ones.

Blue personas are often the undiscovered diamonds in society. They are the cohesive glue that keeps business teams, groups of friends and families close-knit. They are tactful and considerate of other people’s feelings.

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How Blues make decisions

To the untrained eye of an onlooker, it may appear that a Blue makes rather impulsive decisions, or that they have a tendency of going with the flow and following the crowd. You will find, however, that the decisions are rarely made on the spur of the moment. Blues typically take time to think things through from multiple angles before committing to one particular decision.

For decisions that have no far-reaching consequences, Blues are comfortable going along with the decisions of others, as they would rather keep the peace than go down the route of debating and arguing. However, if it is an important decision that has far-reaching consequences, a Blue will not want to commit until they have ample facts on which they can base a decision. They will not want to come to a conclusion while things are still being discussed; they will want to take the issue away and spend some time thinking about it. They will also want to reference other people as part of their process. Putting pressure on a Blue who thinks they are making a significant decision can only lead to disaster.

The moral compass of a typical Blue is their deep adherence to the values that they hold dear. Generally speaking, this revolves around harmony, fairness, kindness and family and traditions. Try and force a Blue to act contrary to their values and you will experience how strong their passive resistance can be. 

Even if they are railroaded into saying yes to something against their will, they will still come back the next day, armed with a better understanding, and they will want to reverse the decision. Normally, you can depend on a Blue 100%, in any context. However, anyone who has ever tried to manoeuvre a Blue into a premature decision will have experienced how subtly a Blue can resist, undermine and even sabotage something that they do not support.


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Blues and timekeeping

Blues would like things to be done properly, so they may want to take extra time to familiarise themselves with things that they are working on or planning. For the more demanding, decisive and driven personas out there, this can be a problem.

Blues have a lot of respect for others’ time and will always plan to be on time. They would be aghast if anyone accused them of being habitual latecomers. Regardless of this conscientious ideal, Blues can easily be drawn into things where they lose track of time, especially if there is caring of someone else involved in the reason

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Blues and budgets

Most Blues have the ability to accumulate wealth over time, by being conscientious and frugal. But some Blues can have such a strongly adventurous streak in them that they can border on gambling with their finances. A Blue under pressure, stressed or depressed is likely to easily succumb to comfort spending while burying their heads in the sand to the potential consequences.

Unless a Blue on a team has a direct bearing on the budget for a solution or services it is best to keep such financial information from them. They would be more inclined to worry about how your services or solution will affect people and their related processes. We suggest you keep your conversations at that level when dealing with the Blues. That is not to say you will not at times be selling directly to a Blue, in which case they will be concerned about the budget too.

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What Blues want from others

Blues are wonderful conversationalists and can even be thought of as the life of the party, but they do it without seeking or demanding centre stage. A Blue will always be interested in others and tend to talk about themselves only where it is necessary, although they’d readily tell you about their loved ones.

In more serious conversations, Blues may come across as reserved, as they would not want to risk or create conflict. They do, however, have a strong and independent streak to them and have a non-confrontational way of pushing for what they want. It can be hard to get an answer out of a Blue as they require processing time to mull over the details. If you push too hard, the conversation will get vague and evasive.

Blues are generally more concerned about the well-being of people than they would be concerned about the technical features of a proposal being put to them. For example, trying to sell a concept that will result in a mass saving of headcount for the business is not something a Blue will easily cope with. Blues will rarely be the ones making budget decisions. In the early stages of a projects conversation with a Blue it is best to ask who will make those decisions and be sure to approach that person as well. During the closing stages of a proposal into a team, if a Blue is the only one who you can depend on for feedback, you may inadvertently be lied to. Blues are not easily going to give you bad news because they would not want to hurt your feelings.

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How Blues interact

Blues are interested in people and will, by and large, have well-developed people skills. It is not uncommon for a Blue to be the social pillar of a group of friends or in teams. They are often the ones organising get-togethers or events to make sure people stay in touch. They are trustworthy friends and entirely willing to lend a hand or work tirelessly for someone else’s benefit. It would take a huge rift for a Blue to fall out with friends. They are normally in any friendship for the long run.

Blues are very intuitive, especially where it comes to the feelings of others around them. If they sense tensions amongst people, they will try and mediate in order to restore peace. Rather than voicing their thoughts loudly, they will quietly address people one to one. Blues experience a lot of stress when the atmosphere is tense, so can’t help but get involved to smooth things over.

Most Blues will surprise you with the talents that they have tucked away, often involving the arts or some form of creativity. They may use such talents to express themselves with the things they may not otherwise verbalise. Blues will often use their sense of dress or how they decorate their surroundings as an expression of who they are.

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How to communicate with Blues

Blues are wonderful conversationalists and they can even be thought of as the life of the party, but they do it without seeking or demanding centre stage. A Blue will always be interested in others and tend to talk about themselves only where it is necessary, although they’d readily tell you about their loved ones.

In more serious conversations, Blues may come across as reserved, as they would not want to risk or create conflict. They do, however, have a strong and independent streak to them and have a non-confrontational way of pushing for what they want. It can be hard to get an answer out of a Blue as they require processing time to mull over the details. If you push too hard, the conversation will get vague and evasive.

Blues are generally more concerned about the well-being of people than they would be concerned about the technical features of a proposal being put to them. For example, trying to sell a concept that will result in a mass saving of headcount for the business is not something a Blue will easily cope with. Blues will rarely be the ones making budget decisions. In the early stages of a projects conversation with a Blue, you’d best ask who will make those decisions and be sure to approach that person as well. During the closing stages of a proposal into a team, if a Blue is the only one who you can depend on for feedback, you may inadvertently be lied to. Blues are not easily going to give you bad news because they would not want to hurt your feelings.

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Blues and stressors

Blues recoil from people who they feel are arrogant, rude or brash, and instinctively side with those being affronted by the person’s comments.

As giving and forgiving as the Blue can be, they have a deep sense of what is fair and what is not, and they expect people to be fair with them too. Beware of not expressing appreciation for the service of a Blue. They don’t expect much, but they get taken advantage of so often, it becomes an issue for them. A Blue doesn’t expect much in return for his selfless acts of service; all they would like to experience in return is a subtle acknowledgement that their acts have not gone unnoticed.

Blues are so passionate about helping others that they often get too involved with the issues of the people they are trying to resolve them for. They easily feel too attached to the advice they may have given out, and they can get offended when someone does not act on their advice.

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Blues and confrontation

Blue is the most likely persona to find confrontation stressful, and they are very likely to put off confronting someone or to shrink back when being confronted. This is not at all due to a lack of confidence but rather an unwillingness to offend someone’s feelings. Unfortunately, this causes the Blue even more stress.

They are not that quick to let go of things either and will make attempts to have themselves heard in more subversive, subtle ways. This strategy never bears immediate results, which may cause the Blue to appear to be nagging. A Blue may resort to having their thoughts heard through sarcasm.


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Blues' irritating habits

To be clear, items listed may be irritating to some people and quite acceptable for others, depending on their own persona.

Things that some people might think of as very endearing and worthy might be the bane of others’ lives. A Blue’s patient and non-confrontational manner may not always be what everyone finds pleasing. There are many people who would prefer a Blue to just state what they mean. The more subtle attempts of the Blue to convey their misgivings will be irritating to some. In their attempts to be diplomatic, a Blue can tend to be verbose and long-winded, instead of cutting to the chase and being direct.


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How to support a Blue

Blues can easily be suffering waves of emotional turmoil that others may not be aware, this is mainly due to the fact that they are so personable, caring, and approachable, and one can easily think of them as a robust extrovert. However, Blues are strongly introverted, which means that the very people that they are selflessly helping are also the ones draining them. Add to this the fact that they are likely to hold back with on anything that can cause disharmony and that they are quite sensitive to criticism, and you may understand that the emotional world of a Blue runs deep.

Blues tend to bottle up feelings, especially negative ones, and often suffer from the consequences of doing so. When emotions take over, it is not uncommon for them to have an explosive rant that will puzzle those around them, as this is something very uncharacteristic for a peaceful and tactful Blue.


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This colour's stressors









How to sell to each Persona










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