Your quiz answer identifies your most comfortable Persona Colour as ORANGE, [user_meta field=”first_name”].

Click the button provided to refresh the page and read about an ORANGE Persona.

Welcome to a new take on communicating!

PersonaClues helps you feel less stressed and more confident in all spheres of life, [user_meta field="first_name"], because you will understand yourself and others better. You will soon find yourself  'spotting' someone else’s persona instinctively.

Our eight-colour persona palette is memorable and relatable. It comprises 5 base colours and another 3 lighter blends. Neighbouring colours on the palette share certain traits so you can easily see where you 'spill over'.

We all depend on ‘gut feel’ when we meet new people, unconsciously scanning their features, gestures, accents, posture, vocabulary, clothing and accessories for clues. Resulting in instant acceptance or that nagging bit of mistrust.

Persona Clues helps you identify what you are ‘seeing’. Besides being able to manage yourself better, you will relate much better to each of the eight individual personas on the chart.

Your quiz identifies the Persona colour [user_meta field="primary_colour"] that you most comfortably operate in. As you compare features of your most common Persona with the other colours you will see where you might adjust your actions to create better rapport with each colour.



Want to know someone else's Persona?

With these introductory insights to your own Persona, you might be curious about your partner, your boss, or maybe that client.

Fancy finding out what their Persona is too?

Well, you can! Click through below and you can find out up to 3 Personas.

It's on us, as a thank you for trying out Persona Clues!


Try it!   The first 3 are free!